Wood Product Sequester Carbon - 25 Peer Reviewed Sources

25 peer reviewed resources about wood and wood products role in sequestering atmospheric carbon and the carbon cycle. 


  1. Long-term forest management and timely transfer of carbon into wood products help reduce atmospheric carbon
  2. Buildings as a global carbon sink
  3. Harvested Wood Products as a Carbon Sink in China, 1900–2016
  4. Forest management and carbon sequestration in wood products 
  5. The Carbon Impacts of Wood Products 
  6. Financial feasibility of increasing carbon sequestration in harvested wood products in Mississippi 
  7. Carbon storage in wood products
  8. Characterizing the Importance of Carbon Stored in Wood Products
  9. Permanent Wood Sequestration: No Solution to the Global Carbon Dioxide Problem
  10. Carbon sequestration in Taiwan harvested wood product
  11. Substitution effects of wood-based products in climate change mitigation
  12. Technologies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions: A resource manual for pulp, paper, and wood products manufacturers
  13. The environmental impact of wood compared to other building materials
  14. Comparison of methods for estimating carbon in harvested wood products
  15. Life cycle assessment of wood products
  16. Review of carbon storage function of harvested wood products and the potential of wood substitution in greenhouse gas mitigation
  17. A synthesis of research on wood products and greenhouse gas impacts
  18. Tracking carbon from sequestration in the forest to wood products and substitution
  19. Embodied CO2 in China’s trade of harvested wood products based on an MRIO model
  20. Carbon estimation in harvested wood products using a country-specific method: Portugal as a case study
  21. Effects of wood product utilization on climate change mitigation in south korea
  22. Prospects for carbon-neutral housing: the influence of greater wood use on the carbon footprint of a single-family residence
  23. Carbon storage and climate change mitigation potential of harvested wood products
  24. Potential roles of Swedish forestry in the context of climate change mitigation
  25. Carbon storage potential of harvested wood: summary and policy implications